Is climate change a serious threat that affects you?
28 March 2022

Today is 24 March, and it’s been snowing heavily in Tsavkisi for the past few days. My yard and street are covered by about a full meter of snow. Cars are stuck on the snow-covered streets and our small community is physically cut off from the rest of the world. Locals can’t remember such a snowstorm, especially in March.

ISET Policy Institute conducts green economy training for journalists and students
28 March 2022

28 March 2022 marks the successful completion of ISET’s green economy training for journalists and students. We are extremely grateful to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for financially supporting the initiative.

February 2022 | The khachapuri index increases by 29%
28 February 2022

In February 2022, the cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri increased both annually and monthly, ranging between 5.7 GEL (Kutaisi) and 6.1 GEL (Tbilisi), with an average cost of 5.8 GEL. The latest average price is 28.8% higher than in February 2021. In month-to-month developments, the price of a khachapuri is 0.8% higher compared to the previous month January 2022.

ISET Director speaks at the World Bank workshop on Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory
02 February 2022

On February 2, the ISET Policy Institute Director, Tamar Sulukhia, introduced the EaP Regional Road Safety Observatory to various civil society organizations from the Eastern Partnership region – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. This regional road safety workshop was organized by the World Bank, supported by the European Commission.

Energy security and the transition to a green economy. Is the Georgian media ready?
24 January 2022

In previous articles we have discussed the visible deterioration of Georgia’s energy security, where energy demand keeps increasing and the share of domestic energy sources in overall primary supply (the gross amount consumed by the country over one year) is declining. Reversing this trend requires the country to accelerate the pace that it develops domestic – and mostly renewable – energy generation capacity; ideally in combination with greater efforts to improve energy efficiency.
