September 2017 GDP Forecast | Strong trade, tourism, and remittances growth drive an optimistic forecast for 2017
20 September 2017

Recently, Geostat published the preliminary estimate of real GDP growth for the second quarter of 2017, which now stands at 4.7%. This is 0.7 percentage points above the previously estimated average growth rate for Q2. As a result, the real GDP growth for the first half of 2017 reached 4.9%.

September 18, 2017 Kh-Index | Tourists love khachapuri!
18 September 2017

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in August 2017 was 3.08 GEL, 3.9% higher in a month-on-month comparison (m/m, that is, compared to the previous month) and 9.2% in a year-on-year comparison (y/y, that is, compared to the same month of last year).

September 15, 2017 FPI | Food Prices on the Rise!
15 September 2017

On an annual basis, the biggest price increases occurred for apples (87%), potatoes (46%), and carrots (42%), whereas cucumbers, peaches, and tomatoes, on the contrary, became cheaper by 25%, 20%, and 14%, respectively.

Quarter 2 2017, Macro Review | Strong Q2 data puts Georgia's annual growth on track to reach target
14 September 2017

According to the preliminary statistics released by GeoStat, Georgia’s real GDP growth was 4% year over year (YoY) in Q2 2017, which fell short of the 5.8% that had been expected by the ISET-PI GDP forecast made in July. This shortfall was driven not by weak performance, but overly optimistic predictions of ISET-PI’s empirical model, influenced by high actual growth in the first quarter (5.1% YoY).

August 2017 | Electricity Market Review
31 August 2017

In August 2017, Georgian power plants generated 1,035 mln. kWh of electricity. This corresponds to an 8% increase in total generation in comparison with the previous year (in 2016, total generation in August was 957 mln. kWh). Generation decreased by 17% with respect to July 2017 (in July 2017 total generation was 1,247 mln. kWh).
