The Global Competitiveness Index Report for 2017-2018 is out and Georgia has slipped just below its 2015-16 level
02 October 2017

On 26 September, the World Economic Forum published The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018. The full report contains detailed profiles and rankings for 137 countries based on 2016 data.

Real Estate Market Highlights, #7 | July-September 2017
02 October 2017

After hitting an all-time high in JUN-17, the GEO real property market slowed down in JUL-17 (-13.8% MoM), but gradually recovered during the next two months: AUG-17 (+6.5% MoM) and SEP-17 (+3.8% MoM). Despite the slowdown, with a total of 24 848 property sales, the GEO market in Q3 2017 grew by 0.7% compared to the previous quarter, and 5.9% against Q3 2016.

October 02, 2017 Kh-Index | No cheap khachapuri around
02 October 2017

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri reached 3.45GEL in August 2017. The price jumped up by 3.9% month-on-month (compared to July 2017), and by 9.2% year-on-year (compared to August 2016).

September 30, 2017 FPI | Potato Price Dynamics
30 September 2017

By the end of September, ISET’s Retail Food Price Index increased by 10.1% y/y (compared to September 2016). On a monthly basis (compared to August 2017), retail food prices slightly decreased, by 0.5%. The largest bi-weekly price changes were recorded for vegetables.

September 2017 | Electricity Market Review
29 September 2017

In September 2017, Georgian power plants generated 820 mln. kWh of electricity. This corresponds to a 3% increase in total generation in comparison with the previous year (in 2016, total generation in September was 798 mln. kWh). On a monthly basis generation decreased by21% with respect to August 2017 (in August 2017, total generation was 1,035 mln. kWh).
