World of EconoBlogs
23 March 2012

End of the week –and a fresh serving of interesting links from economist bloggers and blogging economists. 1.  Joe Weisenthal from the Business Insider tells us how Ben Bernanke murdered the gold standard – and good riddance too! 2.  Nice infographics from Turbotax on the history of taxes in the US. 3.  Econbrowser discusses the prospects of the Eurozone crisis. 4.  Michael Sandel talks about market thinking from an unusual point of view. Quite illuminating, in a way. 5.  The Free Exchange blog explains (or tries to explain) several of America’s macro puzzles. As usual, excellent read. 6.  Noahpinion talks about an interesting model of asset bubbles. 7.  A very nice piece on heterogeneity from the Minneapolis Fed. 8.  Some stabs in the back of libertarianism from Noahpinion again. Couldn’t agree more, really. 9.  Witty counterfactual from our old friend, Worthwhile Canadian Initiative. 10. And from him again, something useful for those who like myself teach macro – problems with teaching SRAS shocks

The Dark Matter of Georgia
03 February 2012

How much foreign wealth does a country really have? In the Balance of Payments Accounts, the net foreign wealth is essentially the difference between the assets held by the country’s residents abroad and the country’s liabilities to foreigners, valued at the market price in each given year.

Small Country, Big Ambitions
19 December 2011

While the cost of producing a film has indeed gone down and the world film market is indeed more open than ever, there is still an insurmountable obstacle in the way. The film industry is characterized by positive externalities, that is, the more films a country is producing, the easier it is to produce a film.

Informality in the Georgian Labor Market
04 July 2011

Understanding the Puzzle of Informal Employment in Georgia.Implemented in partnership with the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), this research project seeks to analyze the links between informal and formal labor markets in Georgia, providing an opportunity to assess the impact of changes in labor legislation introduced as part of the effort to approximate Georgia's legal and regulatory environment to that of the EU

Growth Diagnostics for Georgia
01 June 2011

Growth Diagnostics project applies the well-known methodological framework to uncover the binding constraints to economic growth in Georgia. The aim of this research project was to analyze all potential areas of economic reform in Georgia from credit markets to human capital to infrastructure; and thus produce a comprehensive assessment of reform priorities.
