March 2022 | Electricity Market Review
25 April 2022

In March 2022, Georgian power plants generated 1,077 mln. kWh of electricity (Figure 1). This represents a 63% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in March 2021, the total generation was 661 mln. kWh).

February 2022 | Electricity Market Review
30 March 2022

In February 2022, Georgian power plants generated 890 mln. kWh of electricity (Figure 1). This represents a 29% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in February 2021, the total generation was 692 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from the increase of 34% and 24% in thermal and hydropower generation, respectively, more than offsetting the 7% decline in wind power generation.

January 2022 | Electricity Market Review
28 February 2022

In January 2022, Georgian power plants generated 1025 mln. kWh of electricity (Figure 1). This represents a 27% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in January 2021, the total generation was 808 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from the increase of 11%, 49%, and 30% in hydropower, thermal, and wind power generation, respectively.

December 2021 | Electricity Market Review – Annual
04 February 2022

In 2021, Georgian power plants generated 12,645 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 13% increase in total generation compared to the previous year (in 2020, total generation was 11,160 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis came from the increase in hydropower generation (23%), which more than offset the decrease in thermal power (-16%), and wind power generation (-8%).

December 2021 | Electricity Market Review
24 January 2022

In December 2021, Georgian power plants generated 1193 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 28% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in December 2020, the total generation was 930 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from the increase of 55% and 4% in hydro power, and thermal power generation, respectively. Meanwhile, there was a 29% decrease in wind power generation.
