EU And Partners Summarize Achievements of ENPARD’s Small Farmers’ Cooperation Component
01 December 2017

With EU financial and technical assistance, as well as training and education on cooperation and agribusiness, small farmers in Georgia are benefitting from economies of scale, cutting their production costs and increasing efficiency.

How Can Georgian Economy Benefit from Bitcoin?
01 July 2017

For the first time in history, the price of Bitcoin broke its highest record (Figure 1) rising above 2,900 USD during the last week of June, 2017. One of the reasons why the market unexpectedly became optimistic about Bitcoin could be the fact that in April, the Japanese government formally accepted1 the cryptocurrency as a mean of exchange, which gave it more validity in Asia’s richest economy.

Cost-benefit analysis of climate change adaptation measures in agriculture
05 June 2017

APRC is working on a research to inform the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia on the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation measures in agriculture of Georgia.

In Georgia Education Matters (But Probably Will Not Make You Rich)
27 March 2017

It is widely recognized that education is the key to the future. In general, educated people have higher earnings and lower unemployment rates and highly-educated countries grow faster and innovate more than the other countries. Therefore, in the recent economic literature, education is considered as an investment good and look for the other investments, there are the costs and benefits of the investments in the education.

Will Georgia Be Able to Benefit from Bilateral Free Trade Agreements?
02 May 2016

The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between Georgia and the EU, brought into effect in 2014, was hailed at the time by many as being of great importance to Georgian manufacturers and food/beverage producers. Yet, skeptics commented that 1) Georgia had already had more than 7000 articles duty-free and quota-free under the pre-existing GSP+ trade terms granted by the EU for many years, and 2) very few exporters had been able to take advantage of these concessions.
