Quarter 1, 2024 Macro Review | Georgia’s robust growth amid global recovery challenges
28 June 2024

According to GeoStat’s preliminary estimates in the first quarter of 2024, Georgia’s nominal GDP reached GEL 18,913.2 million, with a year-over-year real GDP growth of 8.4% and a GDP deflator change of 3.1%. The growth was driven by significant increases in value-added across various sectors: Real estate activities rose by 18.8%, Education by 29.1%, Public administration and defence, including social security, by 13.0%, Construction by 10.3%, Information and communication by 12.2%, and Transportation and storage by 9.7%.

May 2024 | Electricity Market Review
24 June 2024

In May 2024, Georgian power plants generated 1,411 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 6% increase in the total generation compared to the previous year (in May 2023, the total generation was 1,325 mln. kWh). The rise in generation on a yearly basis comes from an increase in generation of hydropower plant by 7%, while the generation of thermal and wind plants decreased by 100% and 14%, respectively.

ISET's Master in Finance has received CFA Institute affiliation
12 June 2024

ISET’s Master in Finance program has received the CFA Institute affiliation, making it the only academic program in Georgia to achieve this honour.

Proposed changes to the pension system increase risks for the 1,5 million pension fund participants
10 June 2024

In the past year or so Georgia has experienced significant declines in economic governance. In addition to the anti-democratic Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence (known as the Agents Law), several laws and legal amendments initiated by the ruling party and the Parliamentary majority have drawn significant attention from stakeholders, experts, and the general public.

Europe and our future well-being
03 June 2024

The project aims to raise awareness and boost participation in the democratic process, fostering a strong and inclusive understanding of the benefits of EU integration for all age and ethnic groups in Georgia. Our goal is to communicate the tangible advantages of democracy and the EU path to Georgian youth and regional populations. Utilizing social media, we share compelling evidence highlighting the benefits of a European future for Georgia. The campaign is inclusive, with content available in Armenian and Azeri to reach minority groups.
