ISET Is Accepting Applications for Marketing & Communications Module
13 April 2018

ISET is accepting applications for the fourth module of the ISET Executive Leadership Program 2018 that starts on May 3, 2018.

March 2018 GDP Forecast | Deja-vu: will growth in 2018 look similar to 2017? The economy might still surprise us…
27 March 2018

Geostat has revised its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for the fourth quarter of 2017. Estimated growth now stands at 5.4%, which is 0.7 percentage points above the previously estimated average growth rate for Q4. As a result, the real GDP growth for 2017 reached 5.0%.

ISET-NHH Cooperation Continues
23 March 2018

ISET was honored to host a third delegation representing the long-time partner, the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. A four-day program included anti-corruption seminars, public discussions, and site visits to relevant public institutions and businesses.

ISET Policy Institute Launches a New Product
20 March 2018

The Agricultural Policy Research Center (APRC) of the ISET Policy Institute has launched a new monthly analytical publication – the Agri Review. The goal of the publication is to summarize the major economic developments in the agricultural sector and provide a brief analysis of major economic indicators.

ISET faculty members publish in IZA Discussion Paper Series
12 March 2018

ISET would like to congratulate two of its resident faculty members, Karine Torosyan and Norberto Pignatti, together with our visiting faculty member Maksym Obrizan, on the publication of their new joint paper “Job market outcomes of IDPs: the case of Georgia”, in the IZA Discussion Paper Series from the Institute of Labor Economics, Bonn (the series is ranked 6th worldwide for economics by IDEAS/RePEc).
