Ensuring quality of regulatory impact assessment in Georgia: options for the certification of experts
10 January 2023

The Government of Georgia (GoG) started the process of institutionalizing RIA as an integral part of policymaking almost a decade ago. These efforts culminated with the realization of Ordinance No. 35, Tbilisi, 17 January 2020 (“ordinance” from here on).

ISET Policy Institute hosts seminar on RIA institutionalization
22 December 2022

On 22 December, ISET Policy Institute hosted an online event entitled “Where Georgia Stands on Regulatory Impact Assessments and what is next?”. Norberto Pignatti, ISET Policy Institute’s Lead Economist and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Bologna, led the event and provided insights on regulatory impact assessment, a tool for high-quality policymaking.

Gender impact assessment of vocational education support and self-employment support grant programmes
19 December 2022

The goal of the vocational education support programme is to promote the socioeconomic integration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and ecomigrants and improve their living conditions by creating employment prospects, and it aims to do so by promoting the vocational education of IDPs and ecomigrants in order to increase their competitiveness in the labour market.

ISET Policy Institute's Salome Gelashvili presents results of the RIA of the Draft Law on Food Loss and Waste
14 December 2022

On 14 December, ISET Policy Institute’s Salome Gelashvili, Practice Head for agriculture and rural policy, presented the results of their Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the Draft Law on Food Loss and Waste.

Davit Keshelava of ISET Policy Institute speaks at the Georgian-Austrian business forum
21 November 2022

On 21 November, Davit Keshelava, deputy practice lead of ISET Policy Institute’s Macroeconomic Policy Research Center (MPRC), took part in a Georgian-Austrian Business Forum that was organized by Advantage Austria Tbilisi (while acting as part of the Trade Mission in Georgia and Azerbaijan).
