Insolvency Reform Assessment Report
01 February 2022

Prior to the current insolvency reform, Georgia’s legislative framework regulating insolvency proceedings fell short of meeting international standards – it did not meet neither creditors’ nor debtors’ needs and failed to offer incentives to the insolvent companies to choose rehabilitation as their optimal strategy for resolving financial difficulties.

MediaTOR – First Training Module Comes to a Close
28 January 2022

The first MediaTOR training module on “Reporting on Economy” is approaching its end. This particular module was led by Maka Antidze – a Georgian reporter with extensive international journalistic experience.

Thematic Inquiry into Foreign Direct Investment in Georgia
25 January 2022

Davit Keshelava from ISET Policy Institute participated in a Thematic Inquiry from the Parliamentary Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee. The investigation, supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC), was dedicated to understanding the challenges of attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Georgia.

Quarter 1-2, 2021 | Energy Market Review
24 January 2022

In the first and the second quarters of 2021, Georgian power plants generated 2,429 mln. and 2,708 mln. kWh of electricity, respectively (Figure 1). This represents a 16.0% and 3.2% decrease in total generation compared to the corresponding periods of the previous year (in 2020, the total generation in Q1 was 2,893 mln. kWh and in Q2 it was 2,797 mln. kWh).

December 2021 | Electricity Market Review
24 January 2022

In December 2021, Georgian power plants generated 1193 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 28% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in December 2020, the total generation was 930 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from the increase of 55% and 4% in hydro power, and thermal power generation, respectively. Meanwhile, there was a 29% decrease in wind power generation.
