Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development
04 October 2017

On October 3, 2017, ISET Policy Institute Executive Director Lasha Labadze made a presentation at the conference "Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development,” organized by East European University within the International Scientific Festival, planned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

September 30, 2017 FPI | Potato Price Dynamics
30 September 2017

By the end of September, ISET’s Retail Food Price Index increased by 10.1% y/y (compared to September 2016). On a monthly basis (compared to August 2017), retail food prices slightly decreased, by 0.5%. The largest bi-weekly price changes were recorded for vegetables.

September 15, 2017 FPI | Food Prices on the Rise!
15 September 2017

On an annual basis, the biggest price increases occurred for apples (87%), potatoes (46%), and carrots (42%), whereas cucumbers, peaches, and tomatoes, on the contrary, became cheaper by 25%, 20%, and 14%, respectively.

Dr. Yaron Brook: Free Speech and the Battle for Western Culture
07 September 2017

On September 7, ISET hosted the president and executive chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, Dr. Yaron Brook, for a presentation. The topic of the presentation was Free Speech and The Battle for Western Culture. During the presentation, Dr. Brook explained why and in what ways free speech is under attack and why it is important to defend this fundamental right.

Crime and Punishment. The Georgian Version
04 September 2017

Driving back home after a two-week family vacation in Turkey, a horrific surprise awaited us at the border-crossing in Vale (near Akhaltsikhe). We arrived just before midnight on Saturday, August 26, 2017. What we knew to be a very efficient procedure lasted much longer than the expected 2-3 minutes.
