Short-run risks and long-run challenges for wine production in Georgia. Summary of results
04 August 2015

Georgia’s wine industry is heavily dependent on export to CIS countries, especially Russia. Two main short-run risks associated with the Russian market presently affect Georgian wine exports: The possibility that Russia might cancel its free trade agreement with Georgia, and the economic slowdown in Russia which could lead to reduced demand for Georgian wine.

Can low electricity prices be a comparative advantage of Georgia? - Summary of findings -
04 August 2015

For resilient economic development in Georgia, the country should encourage exports of higher-value added goods. In this report, ISET-PI and GET have found that Georgia might be able to develop a comparative advantage when it comes to exporting higher-value energy-intensive products. According to projections of its electricity network operator, Georgia will develop excess capacities of low-cost electricity in the next decade.

Business Services: Potential In Georgia
31 July 2015

The Policy Brief predicted potential for Georgia to specialise in the international provision of business services (PP/01/2015). Potential was predicted in the service trade category of “other business services”, encompassing mainly.

Potential for Georgia to Offer Business Services
31 July 2015

ISET-PI and GET have predicted the potential for Georgia to specialize in the international provision of business services. This potential can be primarily applies to the following practices: Operational leasing services, Legal and accounting services, Management consulting and public relations, advertising, market research, R&D, architectural and technical services.

Exclusive Interview with Professor Matthias Matthijs: Greece and the Eurozone Crisis
24 July 2015

Today I’m sitting down for a conversation across a continent and an ocean. Our guest is Professor Matthias Matthijs of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He is the editor of the renowned and timely book “The Future of the Euro,” and a two-time recipient of the Max M. Fisher Award for excellence in teaching at SAIS. We will be talking about the Eurozone crisis and the lessons other small-state economies and their policymakers can learn from Greece’s unfortunate situation.
