ADB-Asian Think Tank Development Forum
16 September 2015

ISET Policy Institute is the only member think tank of Asian Think Tanks Network from Georgia. The network involves cooperation among key think tanks in Asia and the Pacific to share knowledge on development experiences and policy lessons. Its members are Asian think tanks working on sustainable development and inclusive growth.

September 14, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri and consumer price indices show inflation picking up in august
14 September 2015

In August, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri jumped to 3.49 GEL, which is 11.4% higher month-on-month (m/m, that is compared to July 2015), and 7% higher year-on-year (y/y, that is compared to August 2014).

Georgia’s Currency is Much More Than the GEL/USD Exchange Rate
14 September 2015

It is easy to understand what it means for an economy to be weak or strong. We know that a strong economy is characterized by low unemployment and high growth rates. Other desirable traits are, for example, low levels of poverty and income inequality, when all citizens enjoy reasonable standards of living.

Empowering Georgian ‘Plow Mothers’ (Gutnis Deda)
11 September 2015

Giving women voice in company management may prove beneficial for performance. For instance, according to an influential Catalyst report, The Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and Women’s Representation on Boards, “companies that achieve [gender] diversity and manage it well attain better financial results, on average, than other companies.”

Lari depreciation is taking its toll on real estate prices - September 2015
11 September 2015

The lari depreciation caused a significant decrease in sale and rental prices in dollar terms. Rental prices slightly increased in August and September before the start of the new academic year. The commercial market turned out to be more resistent to the effects of currency depreciation.
