"Inclusive Growth" Policies: Roads Paved with Good Intentions
17 March 2014

The recently published government strategy “GEORGIA 2020” aims “to ensure that the majority of Georgia’s population benefits from economic growth”. The natural million-dollar question, however, is how this “inclusive growth” objective could be achieved in reality. In other words, how to make sure that the economy grows while creating jobs and business opportunities for the poor.

When Morals Constrict the Markets
14 February 2014

It is well known that government intervention, be it through taxation or regulation, can obstruct the functioning of markets. Yet there is another kind of influence that may also have strong effects on the efficiency of an economy but is much less discussed, namely the set of values, traditions, and moral standards a society subscribes to.

Italian Ambassador Visits ISET: Historical challenges and choices that Italy faced following World War II
14 February 2014

On February 12, 2014, ISET hosted the Italian Ambassador to Georgia, H.E. Federica Favi. The Ambassador gave a presentation about the historical challenges and choices that Italy faced following World War II.

February 2014 Macro Review | By how much did the Georgian economy grow in 2013. what does the past tell us about the future?
08 February 2014

In recent months, ISET‐PI has devoted considerable time to explore the reasons behind the sharp decline in annual real GDP growth in 2013 (from 6.2% in 2012 to 3.3%). With official data for the whole of 2013 finally becoming available, we are taking this opportunity to revisit our previous conclusions and offer new insights.

The Lari Depreciation
03 February 2014

The value of a currency, measured in terms of other currencies, has consequences for the real economy. A more expensive lari, for example, makes it more profitable to import goods into Georgia. The importer has to pay the foreign goods with foreign currency, and when the lari is more valuable, fewer lari is needed to pay for them.
