January 2016 GDP Forecast | Sharp drop in short-term consumer credit lowers growth forecast
26 January 2016

We have recently updated the GDP series (the dependent variable in our model), using the revised GDP growth rates available from Geostat. Based on the November data, the forecast for GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2015 now stands at 3.4%. This is 0.1 percentage points lower than in the previous vintage of the forecast.

Giorgi Nozadze: Successful ISET Alumnus
25 January 2016

ISET is happy to announce that Giorgi Nozadze was promoted to a new position at the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia (MoA). Giorgi graduated from ISET with the class of 2011. He started his professional career working in the risk management department of a commercial bank. In the summer of 2012 he was employed by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (GeoStat) as a database analyst.

If Moscow Can Beat the Traffic, So Can Tbilisi!
25 January 2016

When I left Russia back in late 2006, attempting to cross a busy Moscow street bordered on suicide. Instead of slowing down before a zebra crossing, Russian drivers were in the habit of accelerating so as to signal their intention NOT to stop. Understandably, pedestrians had no choice but to adjust their street crossing strategies accordingly.

January 2016 Macro Review | Saved by statistics – growth rate jump in November revives hopes, but caution is in order
25 January 2016

According to the most recent rapid estimates of economic growth by GeoStat, in November 2015 the Georgian economy increased by 5.3% compared to the same month the year before. The 5.3% increase represents the highest growth rate in nearly 15 months. This optimistic outcome should, however, be treated with a degree of caution.

Mandatory Flour Fortification in Georgia: a Boon or a Burden for the Poor?
23 January 2016

Soon the Georgian Parliament will be discussing a small but important change, which will affect something as significant and vital as bread, along with pasta, khachapuri, and anything made with wheat flour. The Georgian legislators will be considering a law, according to which flour fortification will become mandatory in Georgia.
