Admissions Exams: May 14, 2016
10 May 2016

On May 14, 2016, ISET will hold Admissions exams in English and Mathematics. Exams will be held simultaneously in Baku, Tbilisi, and Yerevan.

Wings for Life World Run 2016
10 May 2016

On May 8, an ISET team participated in the “Wings for Life World Run 2016” charity event held on Lopota Lake in the Kakheti region of eastern Georgia. In total, ISET representatives ran almost 15 kilometers.

Asian Development Outlook 2016 – Asia’s Potential Growth
09 May 2016

On May 6, ISET hosted Shang-Jin Wei, Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank. He gave a presentation entitled 'Asian Development Outlook 2016 – Asia’s Potential Growth'.

ISET Welcomes Esteemed Czech Guest
09 May 2016

ISET is proud to welcome visiting professor Vojtěch Bartoš to teach an elective course in Development Economics from May 7 to June 25.

No Price Caps in the Electricity Wholesale Market!
08 May 2016

This article is about a highly technical matter. To avoid losing all our readers in the very beginning, let us start with a famous doctrine by Montesquieu: Les lois inutiles affaiblissent les lois nécessaires. This principle, literally meaning “useless laws weaken the necessary laws”, should always be kept in mind by lawmakers and politicians. If a regulation is not beneficial, then it is almost surely beneficial to get rid of the regulation. Some great Georgians endorsed this principle, like Kakha Bendukidze, who is widely praised for having erased many unnecessary rules from Georgia’s legal codes.
