Georgia’s biodiversity: urgency of effective policies
14 December 2023

Biodiversity, as defined by the Convention of Biological Diversity (CDB), refers to “the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems” (CDB). Generally, it refers to the diversity of ecosystems and the variety of life on Earth.

November 2023 | Remittances dip as one-time impact expires, money supply sustains growth, marginal contraction in credit expansion, and inflation approaches zero
11 December 2023

Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for September 2023. The estimated growth stands at 5.1%, while the average real GDP growth for January-September 2023 reached 6.8%.

World Bank Economists Address Welfare and Inequality in Global and Georgian Contexts at Public Seminar
02 November 2023

On 2 November, ISET hosted a public seminar ‘Poverty and Inequity: Worldwide and

ISET Director speaks at UN Georgia event dedicated to UN Day
24 October 2023

On 24 October, Tamar Sulukhia, Director of ISET’s Policy Institute, participated in a panel discussion at an event hosted by the United Nations. This discussion covered numerous critical topics, such as creating decent jobs within the inclusive labor market, the importance of ensuring effective decentralization, etc.

October 2023 | Balancing acts: Georgia's trade deficit shrinks, remittances wane, and inflation holds steady, while consumer credit and money supply surge
23 October 2023

Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for August 2023. The estimated growth stands at 5.8%, while the average real GDP growth for January- August 2023 reached 7%.
