ISET and GIZ jointly hosted workshop on implementing climate change-topics in higher education in Georgia
15 October 2021

On Friday, 15 October, ISET and the German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) jointly hosted an expert digital workshop on Implementing climate change-topics in higher education in Georgia: experiences, needs, and potential for future collaboration.

Gender Equality Index Presentation
01 September 2021

More gender equity means more development. Improving gender equity is not only a goal with an intrinsic value. A substantial body of research highlights the linkages between gender equity and the achievement of other development goals, such as health, education, social and economic rights fulfillment, and even growth.

Inflation of Trust
12 April 2021

World economies hampered by the pandemic; countries facing public healthcare crises, with millions killed by COVID-19; thousands of cities under lockdown; social distancing and transformed social practices; countless institutions functioning online; the youth spending endless days and nights in front of computer screens; and, globally, over a year of online education. This is the reality in many countries around the world, including Georgia, in the spring of 2021.

To Prevent, to Repair, or to Start Over: Should Georgia Put ‘Maintenance’ Ahead of ‘Investment’ in Its Development Dictionary?
08 February 2021

In a recent blog post, Y. Babych and L. Leruth raised several issues related to public infrastructure management in the city of Tbilisi. They observed that the consequences of poor past management practices were highly visible. But some of these consequences are also less visible or less immediate. Take schooling, for example. If the authorities fail to plan for the expected increase in the city’s population over the next few years and neglect to build an adequate number of kindergartens/pre-schools, the results will be overcrowded, fast-decaying pre-schools, and eventually poor educational outcomes. Similarly, as the number of cars keeps growing, the authorities must plan new roads and enhance their maintenance.

May Certain Trends Brought By COVID-19 Be Worth Keeping Post-Pandemic?
11 January 2021

The pandemic has taken an enormous toll on human lives and health globally. It has severely impacted the socio-economic state of millions of households, bringing immeasurable human tragedy, paralysis of social connectivity, economic crisis, and, to a certain extent, culture shock.
