Everything You Wanted to Know About Your Electricity Bill
04 July 2012

In the last week's Khachapuri Index column in The Financial, we took a break from agriculture and focused instead on the energy sector of Georgia.

Expert Review of the Social and Economic Platforms of Georgian Political Parties
02 July 2012

The objective of the project was to review social and economic platforms of Georgian political parties in key reform areas during the 2012 parliamentary election campaign. This project, involving a coalition of Georgian think tanks and NGOs, sought to review political party platforms in key reform areas such as employment, rural development, and education during the 2012 parliamentary election campaign

Cultures: Rivers or Pyramids?
28 June 2012

I am writing this post in the wake of Florian Biermann’s excellent piece on the role of culture in the economic life of Georgia. The debate itself is infinitely fascinating, as culture is truly one of those complex, stupendously vast concepts, which I find very difficult to grasp, let alone define or analyze.

Georgian decency as a competitive advantage I: The facts
26 June 2012

Members of the same nation have the same “cultural background”, which means that they share a good deal of political and social values and ideals, and they tend to believe in the same recipes to solve their problems.

Growth and Even More Growth
21 June 2012

A new study by the ISET Policy Institute has interesting insights into Georgia’s growth performance.
