Communications Manager
21 September 2016

ISET and ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) are seeking a Communications Manager. The Communications Manager is generally responsible for improving the visibility of ISET’s academic programs and policy research activities and promoting its readership in international and regional academic, business and policy circles.

"Leaders in Development" Learn how to Minimize the Regulatory Impact on Georgian Businesses
12 September 2016

Betsy’s Hotel is an establishment accustomed to hosting a wide variety of patrons from across the world. However, the gathering of mid-level and senior representatives from public, private and non-profit organizations to be awarded certificates for completing a course funded by Japan Tobacco International Georgia and run by the ISET Policy Institute is certainly unique even for a hotel with such a habitually diverse clientele.

Business Confidence Index: weakened business optimism amid robust performance
09 September 2016

The Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI) has decreased marginally (-1, QoQ), but at 25.0 it remains significantly higher than it was in the same quarter last year (14.8). The third quarter decrease in the index was mostly driven by a significant decline in expectations.

A Temporary ‘High’? Improvements in Business, Consumer Confidence Should Not Distract Policy-Makers from the Long-Term View
19 June 2016

In the year of elections, any piece of economic analysis is usually seasoned with a hefty dose of caution. Every analyst is aware of the fact that the incumbents will be too eager to oversell the ‘good’, while the opposition will pound on the ‘bad’. Weary of taking sides in political battles, economists usually switch on their primary defense mechanism: they start relying (heavily) on the annoying “on the one hand”, “on the other hand” kinds of phrases. I am of course referring to Georgia in the year 2016.

Business Confidence Index: self fulfilling expectations in action? – Q2 2016
15 June 2016

The Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI) continues to improve. Unlike last quarter, the second-quarter increase in the index was mostly driven by a significant improvement in performance rather than in business expectations, which kept rising albeit at a marginal pace.
