February 2018 | Electricity Market Review
28 February 2018

In February 2018, Georgian power plants generated 934 mln. KWh of electricity. This corresponds to a 15% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2017, total generation in January was 809.2 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from an increase in wind and hydro power generation.

January 2018 | Electricity Market Review
31 January 2018

In January 2018, Georgian power plants generated 1,014 mln. KWh of electricity. This corresponds to a 6% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2017, total generation in January was 955.5 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from increase in wind and hydro power generation.

December 2017 | Electricity Market Review
29 December 2017

In December 2017, Georgian power plants generated 1,080 mln. KWh of electricity. This corresponds to a 9% decrease in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2016, total generation in December was 1,186 mln. kWh). The source of a decline in generation on a yearly basis is less thermal power generation.

Why Is Georgia Importing So Much Electricity?
09 December 2017

In October 2017, Georgian power plants generated 828 mln. KWh of electricity, marginally up (+0.79%) compared to September. Following the traditional seasonal pattern, the share of electricity produced by renewable sources declined to 71% of total generation (87% in September), while thermal power generation’s share increased, accounting for 29% of total generation (compared to 13% in September).

November 2017 | Electricity Market Review
30 November 2017

In November 2017, Georgian power plants generated 968 mln. KWh of electricity. This corresponds to a 3% decrease in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2017, total generation in November was 998 mln. kWh). The decline in generation on a yearly basis comes from a decline in thermal power generation.
