Georgia’s Democracy: the Puzzle of a Red Country Turning Blue
30 October 2017

On October 21, 2017, Georgia’s entire political map was painted in different shades of blue – the color of the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party. GD won in all but one race in the country’s municipal elections – achieving solid majorities in all sakrebulo (city councils) and placing party-backed candidates as mayors in all cities and self-governing communities.

October 30 2017 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index on the rise
30 October 2017

The average cost of cooking one standard portion of Imeretian khachapuri increased up to 3.63 GEL in September 2017. This is 5.4% higher m/m (compared to August 2017), and 6% higher y/y (compared to September 2016).

October 30, 2017 FPI | Inside 2017 Georgia Grape Harvest
30 October 2017

At the end of October, food prices maintained an upward trend; ISET’s Retail FPI gained 2.6% m/m (compared to the last week of September). On an annual basis (compared to October 2016), we recorded a significant 11.3% increase in food prices. According to data from the last two weeks of October, the biggest increase in price was recorded for tomatoes (99%), for which the price almost doubled due to seasonality.

Telavi, the Capital of Georgian Beer Drinking?
23 October 2017

Telavi, the former capital of the Kingdom of Kakheti, is a beautiful town with spectacular views of the Alazani Valley and Caucasian mountains. In the 18th century, King Erekle II reigned from Telavi. The palace can still be seen, and the statue of King Erekle stands proudly in the middle of the city's town square. More importantly for the city dwellers, Telavi is the capital of Georgia’s traditional winemaking.

Legal Perspective Issues of International Taxation
20 October 2017

On October 20, members of the ISET community attended a guest lecture on international taxation from Ms. Femke van der Zeijden from PricewaterhouseCoopers Netherlands’ office. Ms. Zeijdenhas introduced issues of international taxation from a legal perspective. This was particularly useful and interesting for the audience as it primarily consisted of economists, for whom the legal aspects and problems of different taxation policies are not well known.
