Executive Director
06 February 2018

ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) was established in May 2011 to complement the educational mission of the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET). ISET delivers undergraduate and graduate economics education, and is recognized by the World Bank as one of five "centers of excellence" in economics education and research in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.

The Tale of Two Cities: Are Almaty-Style “Bombilas” the Future of the Tbilisi Taxi Market?
05 February 2018

Recently, the administration of Tbilisi City Hall announced that the Tbilisi taxi market is going to be regulated. The process of switching to a regulatory frame will be gradual. At first, taxi drivers will be obliged to acquire taxi signs and permission from the appropriate authorities. This regulation is not expected to create significant pressure on taxi service providers. At the second stage, however, taxi drivers will be required to pass a technical inspection and satisfy minimal quality standards.

February 5, 2018 | The end of the holiday season
05 February 2018

In January 2018, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri dropped to 3.71 GEL, which is 2.9% lower month-on-month (compared to December 2017), and 1.3% higher year-on-year (compared to January 2017).

Agricultural land registration reform in Georgia
02 February 2018

ISET Policy Institute team conducted research on the current situation of the land registration process in Georgia, analyzed ongoing land reform, and outlined the challenges of land market development in the country.

MOLI efficiency evaluation
02 February 2018

Assessment of the project effect on incomes generated in small farmer families involved in the livestock rearing in Kakheti region. The overall objective of the assignment is to conduct cost-benefit and/or cost-effectiveness analysis together with the project team and identify monetary and nonmonetary benefits of interventions
