Making Nature’s Value Visible as a Step Towards (Greater) Sustainable Development
24 June 2017

After the Rose Revolution, in the name of of economic growth, the Georgian government set aside environmental issues and focused on a quick economic recovery. This is understandable, as the Georgian economy was still recovering from the collapse of the early 90’s, and the pressure to accelerate the process was high. At that time, the existing environmental regulations were perceived as an additional constraint to faster growth, and as potentially fertile ground for corruption.

Sabina and Rahul, Welcome to Georgia!
27 May 2017

The number of foreign students has been steadily increasing around the world. More and more students choose to earn a degree outside of their home countries. Education internalization plays a key role in the development of today’s educational systems, and the impact of international students goes beyond their short-term financial effect on the economy; it plays a vital role in social cohesion and the development of international networks, etc.

How is Georgia progressing? – ISET-PI launches reform progress tracking platform
23 May 2017

On May 23, ISET-PI hosted the launch ceremony of ReforMeter, which was attended by representatives of government institutions, NGOs, and international organizations. Welcoming remarks were made by Shamennna K. Gall, the acting Deputy Economic Growth Offices of the US Embassy, and Bruno Balvanera, the EBRD Director for the Caucasus, Moldova, and Belarus.

Towards Strong and Balanced Growth: Georgia’s Economic Policy Priorities in 2017-2020
05 April 2017

This research paper intended to supplement and complement the following economic policy strategies and plans of the Georgian government in the areas of sustainable and balanced growth.

NBG Governor Hosts Interactive Lecture at ISET
21 March 2017

On Thursday, March 21, ISET hosted the Governor of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG), Mr. Koba Gvenetadze, who delivered a profoundly informative lecture to the ISET Community. Mr. Gvenetadze covered important aspects of long-term development challenges facing the Georgian economy based on the accumulated experience of past development in the country.
