Quarter 3 2022 | Macro Review: A perfect storm of global challenges in 2022 tests the resilience of the Georgian economy
26 December 2022

The third quarter of 2022 was marked by a “perfect storm” of global challenges. Due to the ongoing geopolitical, economic, and ecological turbulence, with inflation reaching its highest point in decades, the world economy remains volatile.

Quarter 2 2022 | Macro Review: The Georgian economy shows resilience in Q2 2022, despite the global headwinds from the war on Ukraine
03 October 2022

Following the tentative recovery observed in 2021, global economic conditions worsened significantly in 2022 (IMF, July 2022). Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 caused global economic growth estimates to drop for the first time since 2020.

Quarter 1 2022 | Macro Review: A perilous road ahead: the Georgian economy at the start of Russia’s war on Ukraine
01 July 2022

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has profoundly affected nearly every aspect of the global economy, from food and energy security to supply chains and financial markets. The World Bank (June 2022) estimates that the 2021 5.5% rebound global growth is therefore expected to drop to 2.9% y/y in 2022.

Quarter 4 2021, Macro Review | The 2021 Georgian economy – the year in review
11 April 2022

For the Georgian economy, 2021 was a year of gradual recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Geostat rapid estimates, the real GDP expanded by 10.7%, coming within 0.1 percentage points of the ISET-PI forecast from November 2021 and surpassing the NBG and IMF mid-year projections, which ranged between 8% - 8.5% y/y.

Quarter 3 2021 Macro Review | Quarter 3 reality check for Georgia: low vaccination rates, higher inflation and tepid FDI emerge as new challenges
20 December 2021

The global economy continues to recover in Q3 2021 following the deep economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The growth accelerated as a result of the easing of virus- containment restrictions in most countries. According to the IMF forecast (October 2021), global GDP will grow 5.9% year over year (y/y), which is a downward adjustment from the previous estimate of 6% (July 2021).
