November 2023 | Remittances dip as one-time impact expires, money supply sustains growth, marginal contraction in credit expansion, and inflation approaches zero
11 December 2023

Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for September 2023. The estimated growth stands at 5.1%, while the average real GDP growth for January-September 2023 reached 6.8%.

October 2023 | Balancing acts: Georgia's trade deficit shrinks, remittances wane, and inflation holds steady, while consumer credit and money supply surge
23 October 2023

Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for August 2023. The estimated growth stands at 5.8%, while the average real GDP growth for January- August 2023 reached 7%.

September 2023 | Georgia’s growth forecast soars on exchange rate appreciation and remittance data
25 September 2023

Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for July 2023. The estimated growth stands at 5.5%, while the average real GDP growth for January-July 2023 reached 7.2%.

ISET Policy Institute discusses corporate tax income reform outcomes with stakeholders
03 July 2023

On July 3, ISET Policy Institute organized a roundtable discussion on corporate tax income reform assessment. The event was attended by experts from local and international institutions who shared their views and exchanged ideas on the findings of the assessment.

Quarter 1 2023, Macro Review | Georgian economy moves ahead, but fears of global headwinds mar the start of 2023
03 July 2023

The global economy remains in a volatile state amid the prolonged effects of the combined negative shocks of the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, high inflation, and the tightening monetary policy. Although the global economy remained resilient at the beginning of the year, the situation is expected to worsen.
