Pension Agency visits ISET to discuss agency's core activities
28 March 2023

On 28 March, Director of the Pension Agency, Giorgi Danelia, and their Chief Investment Officer, Giorgi Melikidze, visited ISET and held a seminar for students and ISET Policy Institute representatives entitled: "Save for yourself, save for the future! - Money Week".

ISET Policy Institute and Gori-based organizations discuss effective policymaking
15 March 2023

On 15 March, ISET Policy Institute, with support from the Swedish Embassy, met representatives from local non-governmental and international organizations, and from the Gori public and private sectors, in order to introduce its activities and key products.

Realizing the trade potential of the middle-corridor: a private sector perspective from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Türkiye
06 March 2023

The OECD, in partnership with the ITF, is set to conduct an analytical study focusing on Türkiye, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan—the key countries of the Middle Corridor. The study aims to pinpoint bottlenecks and reform requirements related to infrastructure, trade facilitation, and political support.

ReforMeter hosted a public-private dialogue on regulatory impact assessment (RIA) institutionalization reform
01 March 2023

ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in regulatory impact assessment (RIA) institutionalization reform.

February 2023 | Inflation in Georgia subsides as global oil and food prices decline, but internal price pressures, driven by migration, remain
28 February 2023

According to Geostat's report titled “Tendency of Economic Growth, Indicators of Monthly Economic Statistics”, the real GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2022 is estimated to be 9.5%, which has contributed to an overall annual real GDP growth of 10.1% in 2022.
