Business Confidence Index: in optimism we trust!
19 February 2018

Thanks to a significant increase in the private sector expectations, BCI in the first quarter of 2018 has improved yet again (for the 2nd consecutive quarter), reaching 31.4 index points, which is a 3.2 index point gain over the previous quarter. Almost 60% of participating business executives expect their business will improve over the next three months.

ISET Hosts Workshop named “Business Case-Based Teaching”
12 January 2018

“I very much liked the business case-based teaching method. Business cases will be very useful for vocational college students, as real-life examples are much better in inspiring them to start their own business.” As business cases are based on real-life examples from Georgia, using them in entrepreneurship classes will make them much more amusing for students to attend.”

Impact assessment of the state support program for the small and medium enterprises in Georgia
01 January 2018

Evaluating the impact of the state support programs on the firm-level outcomes in Georgia. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the state support program of SMEs on the firm-level outcomes in Georgia. The Georgian government’s SME financing procedure offers just such a unique opportunity for a quasi-natural experiment, which allows the credible use of local/nonparametric regression discontinuity methodology (RDD).

EU And Partners Summarize Achievements of ENPARD’s Small Farmers’ Cooperation Component
01 December 2017

With EU financial and technical assistance, as well as training and education on cooperation and agribusiness, small farmers in Georgia are benefitting from economies of scale, cutting their production costs and increasing efficiency.

EU And Partners Summarize Achievements of ENPARD’s Small Farmers’ Cooperation Component
01 December 2017

With EU financial and technical assistance, as well as training and education on cooperation and agribusiness, small farmers in Georgia are benefitting from economies of scale, cutting their production costs and increasing efficiency.
