Population Situation Analysis in Georgia
10 July 2014

The main purpose of the consultancy was to contribute to the elaboration of the Population Situation Analysis (PSA) section on Socio-Economic Context in Georgia. The Government of Georgia (GOG) and the Prime Minister have announced addressing demographic challenges as a top priority of the country. UNFPA was asked to support undertaking the Population Situation Analysis (PSA) in Georgia, in order to generate evidence regarding demographic situation that would be further used for elaboration of the Demographic Strategic Plan for Georgia.

Georgia – A Country Between Poland and Korea
16 June 2014

In the first part of this article, I described some of the adverse incentives resulting from a social welfare system. Then I argued that according to Simon Kuznets' famous paradigm, increasing inequality is hardly evitable when a country enters a growth trajectory (as Georgia did in 2003), and I reasoned that it is at least an ambivalent (not to say questionable) policy for Georgia, at its current state of development, to fight inequality by social welfare measures. In this vein, the article seemed to advocate that Georgia might better follow the “Asian” approach of “develop first, redistribute later”.

Towards a More Equitable Georgia
26 January 2014

Last week I discussed the economic consequences of inequality. Contrary to a traditional tenet of economics, empirical research has shown that inequality may have adverse economic consequences. Inequality increases the risk of political instability in a country, posing a threat to investments due to the fact that political unrest is highly detrimental to the profits made from any economic activity.

Beyond Fairness and Envy: The Economic Effects of Income Inequality
20 January 2014

Why should we care about income inequality? According to Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard economist Jason Furman, “greater inequality leads to more political instability, and greater political instability leads to lower growth” (“Economic Consequences of Income Inequality”, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas: Journal Proceedings, 1998, pp. 221-232).

The Voluntariness Mantra Refuted
16 September 2013

Recently, I was made aware of an article by the famous Harvard economist Gregory N. Mankiw ("Defending the One Percent’’, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2013). In that article, he puts forward an interesting thought experiment. Assume we were in a state in which the market outcome would lead to absolute equality among economic agents.
