
- International Republican Institute - IRI

- Macroeconomic policy
- Media & democracy

The underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship in Georgia is a significant problem that disproportionately affects women’s ability to start and to sustain businesses. Despite legislative efforts and economic strategies intended to enhance the business environment, women face considerable challenges, such as limited access to finance, which hamper their ability to start and grow businesses.

For the countries in the South Caucasus, health hidden costs amount to 87%, 88%, and 92% of the total quantified hidden costs of agri-food systems. In terms of the share in GDP, they subsequently comprise 18%, 16%, and 22%, respectively.

This research report is available only in Georgian language.

Please note that the research report 'Gender impact assessment of the law of Georgia on public service' is available in Georgian language only.

Biodiversity, as defined by the Convention of Biological Diversity (CDB), refers to “the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems” (CDB). Generally, it refers to the diversity of ecosystems and the variety of life on Earth.

In economic literature, the effect of minimum wage on the labour market and its relevance as an anti-poverty, equality-enhancing policy tool, is a matter of vigorous debate. The focus of this policy brief is a hypothetical effect on poverty rates, particularly among women, following an increase in the minimum wage in Georgia.