
In partnership with PMC Research, ISET Policy Institute is working on the project “Sector and Value Chain Analytics” under the USAID Economic Security Program, implemented by DAI.
Using quantitative and qualitative analytical methods, the project team analyzes economic tendencies in the local and also regional/global context, competitiveness of local businesses, opportunities, and challenges in the following targeted value chains:
• Tourism: adventure/mountain; cultural; gastronomic (wine and culinary); catering; and accommodation;
• Creative Industries: any type of media content production; post-production; and artisan;
• Light Manufacturing: furniture and packaging; solid waste management and recycling; construction materials; personal protective equipment (PPE); and wooden toys (as a business activity under the furniture value chain);
• Shared Intellectual Services:
• Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): information technology; customer relationship management; architecture; design and engineering; finance and accounting; and human resources.
• Cross-Cutting (Enablers):
• Information and communications technology;
• E-commerce; and
• Transport and logistics.