

Bumper Analysis of Agricultural Sector of Georgia
Status: Complated
Project Milestones: Start date: 05.01.2015 End Date: 31.03.2015

The study assesses the possible impact of USAID-funded agricultural projects in Georgia on U.S. commodity production and U.S. jobs and workers' rights. USAID's yearly obligation requires confirmation that USAID-funded activities do not impact U.S. jobs and workers' rights and do not result in the increased competition of Georgian products with similar commodities produced in the U.S.

Different trade indicators were analyzed during the study and based on our analysis it was found, that USAID assistance will not cause any injury to U.S. producers and exporters. U.S imports are not likely to be substituted by local production as a result of USAID-funded projects. USAID assistance does not cause competition between Georgian and American products at external markets and it does not result in the relocation of U.S. jobs or violation of U.S. workers' rights.

Legal and Policy Considerations for USAID Trade and Investment Activities

Trade Map
