
Mapping of the agricultural knowledge and information system actors and identification of assets and gaps in the system.
The objective of the research is to provide an infrastructural view of AKIS in Georgia by describing its main actors, linkages between them, and coordination mechanisms in place. The research also looks at the assets and gaps of the existing system and provides recommendations for further development of the system.
According to the study, currently, Georgian AKIS is rather fragmented and weak and while there are many coordination mechanisms between AKIS actors, most of them, according to the assessments of AKIS actors, are inefficient and require improvement. The study showed that coordination mechanisms and linkages between various actors are mostly project-based and the whole system is donor-dependent.
The study was financed by UNDP and SDC and implemented in collaboration with the School of Agricultural, Forest, and Food Sciences (HAFL) of Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), in Zollikofen, Switzerland.