
On 30 June, ISET Policy Institute presented the results of its project on the “Information quality standards for the participants and beneficiaries of the Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKIS)” during the closing event, which itself aimed to identify the outcomes from the “Modernization of Vocational Education and Training (VET) System related to Agriculture in Georgia (VET Phase 2)” project. This project was implemented by the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) within the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC).
The aim of the project was to enhance the institutional capacity of the EIEC and to support the introduction of training mechanisms within the field of agriculture, including the establishment of quality assurance mechanisms based on international practices.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the UNDP, SDC, EIEC, MEPA, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and farmer-based organizations (FBOs), alongside various research and educational institutions. The participants also actively engaged in a discussion and Q&A session.