

ISET's Revaz Geradze Promoted to Head a Key Policy Unit at the MoESD
Monday, 25 April, 2016

We are proud to announce that Revaz Geradze (ISET class 2011) has been recently promoted to Head of Macroeconomic Analysis division at the Georgian Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. Revaz previously served as Chief Specialist in the Economic Policy and Analysis Department at the MoESD.

Revaz was promoted as part of a general reorganization of MoESD’s Economic Policy and Analysis Department, which involved ISET-PI in an advisor role. The main goal of this structural change was to create the capacity within MoESD to monitor macroeconomic trends and the business environment and advise the minister on appropriate policy responses.

The new division headed by Revaz will be in charge of collecting and analyzing macroeconomic, trade, and financial data concerning Georgia and its main trade partners. In his new capacity, Revaz will supervise a small research team and will represent the unit in relevant policy discussions involving MoESD and external stakeholders.

We congratulate Ravaz on his promotion and wish him even more success in the future!
