
On July 7-8, 2017 ISET hosted the 10th edition of the Workshop on the Economics of Advertising and Marketing, supported by the Labex MME-DII research project of the University of Cergy-Pontoise.
During the workshop, the invited speakers covered a wide range of topics, such as advertising in health insurance markets, firms’ strategic leverage of unplanned exposure and planned to advertise, the balance of power in markets with competitive and direct sales channels, manipulative advertising by monopolists, the relationship between mass media and word of mouth, complementarities in consumption and the consumer demand for advertising, and measuring consumer sensitivity to audio advertising.
The organizers of the anniversary workshop were Simon Anderson of the University of Virginia, Jura Liaukonyte of Cornell University, and Regis Renault of the Universite de Cergy-Pontoise. Many prominent speakers of the field took time to present their research papers, namely David Reily of UC Berkley, Ann Tuchmann of Northwestern University, and Tim Derdenger of Carnegie Mellon University. The objective of the workshop was to bring together people conducting frontier research on advertising, drawing from empirical IO, marketing, and economic theory. A workshop is an annual event, and past incarnations took place in Lithuania, the UK, Austria, Israel, China, Russia, Spain, France, and Germany.