
Like almost everyone else across the European continent, ISET has the utmost respect for Scandinavian economic power, and in recent weeks has been deepening ties with economic institutions in the region. As well as hosting guests from the Stockholm School of Economics, ISET also dispatched two members of its resident faculty to Norway.
Two ISET faculty members, Professor Noberto Pignatti and Post Doctorate Fellow Zurab Abramishvili attended a one-week intensive experimental seminar series at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen. One of the top laboratory experimental economists, Professor Armin Falk (, gave presentations on his most important and cited studies about human behavior and the 'choice problem'.
Specifically, he discussed the importance of laboratory experiments in economics and social sciences, the psychology of incentives, as well as morality issues, and the formation of preferences and personality. Every session ended with short presentations which were given by the participants. In addition, Norberto and Zurab met with researchers in the 'choice lab', where they discussed potential cooperative projects between ISET and NHH. Additionally, they met the deputy director of the NHH, Professor Sunniva Whittaker, and program opportunities.