Capacity building

The ISET Policy Institute collaborated with the Association of Young Professionals in the Energy Sector of Georgia (AYPEG) on a training course targeting junior staff of the newly created Analytical Department within the Ministry of Energy of Georgia, Electricity Sector Commercial Operator (ESCO), and Georgian State Electro system (GSE). A total of 17 participants from these three organizations participated in the course.
Based on a needs assessment study conducted in 2012 and later discussions with Mr. Valerian Khavtasi, Head of the Analytical Department, ISET and AYPEG developed and delivered three training modules: Regulation of Electricity Markets, Competitive Electricity Markets: Theory and Practice, Energy Forecasting.
The program of training was reviewed by a Hydropower Investment Promotion Project (HIPP) expert, Dr. Gergana Stoitcheva (Ph.D., Louisiana State University and MS in Energy Economics, University of California, Berkeley).