On 19 June ISET hosted Jacques Fleury, formerly the CEO of GGMW and currently the CEO of GWS and Director of JSC Château Mukhrani. The format of the meeting was very different from the typical seminars conducted at ISET. Mr. Fleury provided insights into doing business in Georgia since 1997 when he was asked to become the CEO and increase the value of one of Georgia’s most famous intangible assets – the popularity of the mineral water from the springs of the Borjomi valley.
როგორც სტეფან დოულინგი რამდენიმე წლის წინ BBC-ის სტატიაში აღნიშნავდა: „გზის გადაჭრის საერთაშორისო სტანდარტი არ არსებობს. ყველა ქვეყანაში ეს სხვადასხვანაირად ხდება.“ დოულინგის მიხედვით, ქვეყნის კულტურული ღირებულებების საკითხია ის, თუ როგორ ატარებს ხალხი მანქანას ან როგორ კვეთს ქუჩას. არის კი ეს ნამდვილად ასე?
On May 1, 2013, Professor Eberhard Feess of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, held a seminar at ISET on Competition Policy. The presentation covered theoretical and applied aspects of competition policy and its relevance to Georgia.
Each year, top ISET students receive promising offers to continue their education at some of the best universities in the world. Ala Avoyan, the valedictorian of the ISET 2012 class, is currently completing the first year of Ph.D. studies at New York University (NYU).
On February 15, 2013, Professor Hans Wiesmeth, vice-president of the Saxon Academy of Sciences, delivered a presentation titled “Integrated Environmental Policies: Supporting the Sustainable Development of Georgia” to the academic community at the National Science Academy of Georgia. The event was initiated and supported by ISET.