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ISET-PI Attends Think Tank Development Forum in New Delhi
28 ოქტომბერი 2016

ISET Policy Institute executive director Lasha Labadze attended the fourth annual ADB-Asian Think Tank Development Forum 2016 on October 27-28 in New Delhi, India, organized by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), and the Asian Development Bank.

GAARD Meeting Discusses Results of M&E Survey of ENPARD Supported Cooperatives
26 ოქტომბერი 2016

ISET's prominence in the agricultural development sector has been displayed once again with the institute's participation in a meeting led by the Georgian Alliance on Agriculture and Rural Development (GAARD) on October 26 at Tbilisi's Courtyard Marriott hotel. Led by Oxfam, GAARD is one of four ENPARD implementing consortia.

World Economy and Comparative Development in Eastern Europe
17 ოქტომბერი 2016

In what has been a decidedly international few months for ISET with recent visits to Japan, Norway, and India (as well as a trip to Uzbekistan in late October), yet another member of the institute's faculty has traveled abroad, this time to Germany.

ვინ მოიგებს არჩევნებს?
03 ოქტომბერი 2016

ყველა შეცდა, ვინც კი პროგნოზს აკეთებდა: პროფესიონალიც და მოყვარულიც. ბრექსიტი ყველასთვის სიურპრიზი აღმოჩნდა. როგორც ბუკმეიკერებმა (ადამიანები, რომელიც ორგანიზებას უწევენ ფსონების დადებას პოლიტიკაში, ეკონომიკასა და სპორტში მოვლენების განვითარებაზე) გვაუწყეს, სამჯერ მეტი ფული დაიდო ბრიტანეთის ევროკავშირში დარჩენაზე, ვიდრე მის გასვლაზე.

Yasya Babych of ISET Policy Institute Attends ADB Workshop on a Role for Development Partners
19 სექტემბერი 2016

As part of a partnership arrangement under the “Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth” study, Yasya Babych of MPRC was invited to participate in an Interim workshop dubbed “Enabling Conditions for Inclusive Growth and Good Jobs: A Role for Development Partners” held on 15-16 September 2016 in Manila, the Philippines by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

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