WIN/Gallup-ის მიერ 2015 წელს ჩატარებული კვლევის თანახმად, ქართველთა 93% თავს რელიგიურად მიიჩნევს. მსოფლიოში მხოლოდ ერთ ქვეყანას, ტაილანდს, აქვს უფრო მაღალი მაჩვენებელი, სადაც ეს რიცხვი 94%-ს აღწევს. საქართველოს მსგავსი მაჩვენებელი გვხვდება მხოლოდ სომხეთში, ბანგლადეშსა და მაროკოში. მსოფლიოს სხვა ქვეყნები შედარებით ნაკლებად არიან მოცულნი რელიგიით.
The Inter-Conference Symposium of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) entitled “Agricultural Transitions along the Silk Road” took place on April 4-7, 2016, in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It was organized by the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) and hosted by Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU).
Held on April 8, this discussion was a part of the four-day anti-corruption program ISET organized for a large group of students and faculty from ISET’s partner university, the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen. The expert panel included Jacques Fleury, former CEO of Borjomi LLC and JSC Château Mukhrani; Mariam Dolidze, Senior Economist at World Bank Georgia; Archil Bakuradze, Chairman of Supervisory Board at JSC Crystal Georgia; Bruno Balvanera, Resident Representative of EBRD Georgia; Giorgi Oniani, Deputy Executive Director of Transparency International Georgia; and ISET President Eric Livny, who also moderated the discussion.
ISET is pleased to announce the excellent achievements of our alumni, Nino Doghonadze (class 2012) and Saba Devdariani (class 2014). Having worked the last few years as researchers at the ISET Policy Institute, Nino and Saba decided to continue their education abroad.
We are excited to announce that this week ISET will be hosting a large delegation representing the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. A four-day program is planned to start on April 6, which includes anti-corruption seminars, public discussions, and site visits to relevant public institutions and businesses.