On November 27, ISET hosted Francois Painchaud, the Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Georgia. Mr. Painchaud presented the 2017 October Regional Economic Outlook for the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) region, covering the global and regional environment, outlook and policy actions, and policies to help maintain macroeconomic stability and how to secure higher and more inclusive growth.
On June 15, representatives from the World Bank, UNICEF, and ISET gathered to analyze challenges and achievements in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Georgia, as a part of the Education Policy Forum. The event was opened by Ozan Sevimli (the World Bank Program Coordinator for the South Caucasus), Ms. Laila Omar Gad (UNICEF's Representative to Georgia), Eric Livny (President of ISET), and Ketevan Natriashvili (Deputy Minister of Education).
ნობელიანტი ეკონომისტი, ჯეიმს ჰეკმანი ამტკიცებდა, რომ „მონაცემები თავისთავად მეტყველებს ყველაფერზე“, მას შემდეგ, რაც ჩაატარა „პერის სკოლამდელი პროექტის“ სახელით ცნობილი ექსპერიმენტი და აღმოაჩინა, რომ მაღალი ხარისხის სკოლამდელ განათლებაში ინვესტირების უკუგება დაახლოებით 14%-ია – უკუგების დონე, რომელიც საბირჟო ფონდის სტანდარტული ბრუნვის უკუგებაზე (7.2%) გაცილებით მაღალია.
On April 6, ISET hosted a seminary by World Bank Senior Director on Gender Ms. Caren Grown, on Gender Equality as a Smart Development Policy in Georgia. Ms. Caren Grown was invited as part of the anti-corruption course jointly organized by ISET and the NHH (the Norwegian School of Economics).
On February 20, ISET students delivered yet another policy seminar. The seminar was opened by Eric Livny, the president of ISET, who delivered an inspirational speech regarding the jobs of the future. He posed the question, “In this rapidly changing world, what do we need to teach schoolchildren today so that their skills and knowledge are still relevant ten or twenty years from now?”.