გადასახადების შემცირება და, შედეგად, ეკონომიკის უფრო სწრაფი ტემპით ზრდა ყველა პოლიტიკოსის ოცნებაა. საქართველოს პარლამენტის 2016 წლის არჩევნებმა აჩვენა, რამდენად მნიშვნელოვანი და წინააღმდეგობრივი შეიძლება იყოს გადასახადების თემა.
Shakespeare is often quoted as having said that death and tax are the only two certainties in life; many people of the modern world would perhaps agree that he would have been at liberty to add tax evasion to the list.
“You need to think carefully before you jump into this deep sea,” said Professor Daniel Levy at the very beginning of a presentation entitled “Why can a Ph.D. be bad for you?”. While this statement sounded frightening to those who were planning to pursue a Ph.D. or other further studies, it appeared to be more bemusing for others who were not considering a career in academia.
The particular importance of agriculture in Ukraine is so strong that it has been suggested by some that it is reflected in the country's flag; the golden yellow field of wheat sits beneath a blue sky, said to be a common sight in rural Ukraine.
ISET and ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) are seeking a Communications Manager. The Communications Manager is generally responsible for improving the visibility of ISET’s academic programs and policy research activities and promoting its readership in international and regional academic, business and policy circles.