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Senior ISET faculty member published in two international journals
30 იანვარი 2020

ISET’s faculty continues to prove itself on the world stage with no fewer than two papers soon to be published in international journals. Both papers were authored by Professor Muhammad Asali, a veteran member of ISET’s faculty and graduate of Colombia University; Muhammad later taught at Colombia, as well as New York University and Union College.

გლობალურ და რეგიონულ ღირებულებათა ჯაჭვებში CAREC-ის ქვეყნების მონაწილეობის შეფასება
15 ნოემბერი 2019

ეს არის პირველი ნაშრომი, რომელიც ქმნის გლობალურ და რეგიონულ ღირებულებათა ჯაჭვებში საქართველოსა და CAREC-ის რეგიონის სხვა ქვეყნების მონაწილეობის სრულყოფილ რუკას Eora-ს მულტირეგიონული დანახარჯებისა და გამოშვების (MRIO) მოდელის გამოყენებით.

ISET representatives travel to Poland to attend Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies, meet globally-renowned economists
16 სექტემბერი 2019

On September 13th, over half of the staff and researchers of ISET and the ISET Policy Institute were invited to Gdansk for an annual meeting of the FREE Network, where they presented research papers and exchanged ideas with leading academics and policymakers.

Alumnus visits ISET, outlines new research paper
17 მაისი 2019

It is always gratifying when an alumnus returns to ISET; it is naturally satisfying and pleasing for staff and faculty to hear about the successful exploits of a former student, but perhaps more importantly it is inspiring for the next generations to see first-hand what might be achieved with the right amount of hard work and dedication.

ISET hosts Dr. Lotta Björklund Larsen of Stockholm University, discusses tax compliance
26 მარტი 2019

On March 26, ISET hosted Dr. Lotta Björklund Larsen of Stockholm University, Sweden, who presented a paper entitled ‘Tax Compliance. A Review of Recent Studies’.

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