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ECA-countries in transition to a 'New Normal'
19 მაისი 2016

On Wednesday, May 18 Hans Timmer, Chief Economist of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) at the World Bank, paid a visit to ISET. He delivered a presentation entitled “Economic Outlook for the South Caucasus”, transmitting the idea that the countries of Europe and Central Asia (ECA), including Georgia, are transitioning to a situation – against the backdrop of a weakening global economy and volatility in international financial markets – which is called 'New Normal' and is characterized by the slow trend growth of global trade, low commodity prices, and less abundant availability of international liquidity.

Asian Development Outlook 2016 – Asia’s Potential Growth
09 მაისი 2016

On May 6, ISET hosted Shang-Jin Wei, Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank. He gave a presentation entitled 'Asian Development Outlook 2016 – Asia’s Potential Growth'.

ISET President Sharing an Inspiring Story at Tbilisi TEDx
18 აპრილი 2016

Mr. Livny chose to devote his TEDx talk to the challenge of bringing education and light to Georgia’s remote villages. He told the story of Dzevri, a tiny village in Imereti, which used the help of an American couple, Cathy McLain and Roy Southworth, to revolutionize the local school. In just three years, college enrolment for local school graduates went from zero to almost 100%.

ISET Welcomes Education Economics Expert Maria De Paola
11 აპრილი 2016

ISET is proud to welcome Maria De Paola, a visiting professor working at the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance at the University of Calabria in Italy. Currently an Associate Professor of Economics, Maria obtained her PhD in Economics from the University of Rome.

Giorgi Kadagidze, former Governor of the Georgian National Bank at ISET: How Are Banks Different from Bakeries?
16 მარტი 2016

Why do central banks regulate commercial banks and not that of, say, bakeries? This was the fundamental question Giorgi Kadagidze, a former governor of the National Bank of Georgia, tried to answer during his presentation for ISET students, faculty, and executives enrolled in ISET’s Finance for Professionals course on Tuesday, March 15.

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