ISET Policy Institute receives 12 600 000 SEK from Sweden for promoting Georgia’s development through independent policy analysis, training, and civil society engagement. The agreement was signed today by Mr. Erik Illes, Head of Development Cooperation of the Embassy of Sweden, and President of Partnership for Economics Education and Research (PEER), Director of ISET Policy Institute Dr. Tamar Sulukhia.
On October 25th, ISET was visited by Dr. Robert A. Lawson of the Fraser Institute. In a highly entertaining and often humorous lecture, Dr. Lawson discussed a wide variety of topics, including the notion of economic freedom, research into economic liberty, as well as Georgian reforms since 2004, and recommendations for future development.
The biennial Tbilisi Silk Road Forum was held from October 22-23, an event of the utmost importance for Georgia’s economic development. With over 2,000 people in attendance, the Forum gathered together policymakers, businesses, community leaders, and academics to discuss trade and connectivity, as well as examine the challenges facing countries along the New Silk Road.
Independent entrepreneurship is one of the main drivers of economic development and often manifests itself in the form of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These start-ups trigger innovation, boost productivity, and bring about structural change.
კვლევის მიზანია საქართველოში სასოფლო-სამეურნეო ცოდნისა და ინფორმაციის სისტემის (AKIS) ინფრასტრუქტურული კუთხით წარმოჩენა სისტემის ძირითადი მონაწილეების, მათ შორის კავშირებისა და არსებული საკოორდინაციო მექანიზმების, აღწერით.