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Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Cities 2030
07 მარტი 2018

About half of the world’s population are living in cities. Rapid urbanization puts pressure on urban infrastructure and labor markets, also contributes to environmental degradation, and speeds up the instability of construction projects and dwellings. Climate change is yet another cause that will harm the stability of cities. A solid and global plan on how to tackle urban planning is therefore much needed, which is why the New Urban Agenda was endorsed by the UN in 2016.

ახლა ბიო პროდუქტებია მოდაში!
26 თებერვალი 2018

წლიდან წლამდე ბიო პროდუქტების ბაზრისადმი ინტერესი მთელ მსოფლიოში იზრდება. STATISTA-ის მონაცემებით, 21-ე საუკუნეში მსოფლიოში ბიო პროდუქტების გაყიდვების მაჩვენებელი ხუთჯერ გაიზარდა (თუ 2000 წელს 18 მლრდ. აშშ დოლარი იყო, 2016 წელს უკვე 90 მლრდ. აშშ დოლარი შეადგინა), TechSci Research-ის მონაცემებს თუ დავუჯერებთ, 2017-2022 წლებში ბაზრის მთლიანი ღირებულება წლიურად 16.15%-ით გაიზრდება.

The Increase of Solar Capacity During 2016 Would Support 45 Million Homes
14 დეკემბერი 2017

In recent times, the world has experienced an exponential increase in solar-powered generating capacity, especially in emerging markets such as China and India. The reasons for this rapid development exist due to low-priced equipment and improved technologies now reaching millions of people. As reported by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, solar capacity grew by 54% year-on-year, and over a three-year period, it has more than tripled.

HSBC Launches USD 1 Billion Bond in Support of UN’s Global Goals
13 დეკემბერი 2017

Perhaps as an early Christmas gift to the international community rooting for a cross-sectoral solution on combatting climate change, HSBC has announced its commitment to establish the world’s first bond. As explained by HSBC themselves, the bond is closely linked to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Following seven selected SDG targets, HSBC will fund 1 billion USD through the bond and thus financially support projects set out to increase the sustainable well-being of communities and the environment.

ISET Goes Eco-Friendly
06 ნოემბერი 2017

ISET has earned a reputation of academic excellence, and all those who walked through the institute’s doors as students and left as graduates have either found meaningful employment or gone on to study abroad at some of the world’s best universities. Yet aside from educating its students in the technicalities and intricacies of economics, ISET also endeavors to instill values and standards amongst its students.

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