ჩვენს ერთ-ერთ ბოლო ბლოგში ლუკ ლერუსმა საქართველოში სივრცითი დანაწევრების ცნებაზე ისაუბრა. ამ ბლოგით ავტორი შეეცადა, პასუხი გაეცა კითხვაზე, შეეჩვივნენ თუ არა ადამიანები დისტანციურად მუშაობას ახლა, როდესაც COVID-19-ის კრიზისმა მათ ეს ახალი შესაძლებლობა მისცა. თუ ასეა, შეიძლება თუ არა ამან დედაქალაქში მიგრანტების შემოდინება შეანელოს, რაც, თავის მხრივ, თბილისის ინფრასტრუქტურაზე ზეწოლას შეამცირებს. რამდენად მოსალოდნელია, რომ ადამიანები პანდემიის შემდეგაც გააგრძელებენ სოფლად ცხოვრებასა და დისტანციურად მუშაობას?
On January 29, ISET was pleased to host Prof. Michael Beenstock for a seminar workshop. Prof. Beenstock is the author of ten books on topics including time series and spatial econometrics, macroeconomics, the global economy, and economic development, as well as writing more than 100 refereed journal articles.
About half of the world’s population are living in cities. Rapid urbanization puts pressure on urban infrastructure and labor markets, also contributes to environmental degradation, and speeds up the instability of construction projects and dwellings. Climate change is yet another cause that will harm the stability of cities. A solid and global plan on how to tackle urban planning is therefore much needed, which is why the New Urban Agenda was endorsed by the UN in 2016.
ISET Policy Institute presented research results on internal migration in Georgia at an international conference “Recent Migratory Processes and Europe: Challenges and Opportunities” that took place on September 29-30th in Tbilisi Biltmore Hotel. The presentation had already been given in the week before at a conference of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics in Kyiv, Ukraine, and two weeks earlier at a workshop on regional economics held at the Ural Federal University in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
The relevance of agriculture in formal employment dropped in many European, Central, and East Asian countries over the previous decades. The mutually reinforcing and interdependent processes of development outside the agricultural sector, along with significant urbanization, have resulted in new dynamics and diversity in the rural labor landscape. Remittances, as the link between urban and international migrants and their original households, have gained importance in sustaining rural livelihoods, especially in poorer countries and regions.