Revising Household Needs Index in the Means Tested Formula in Georgia
06 November 2014

ISET Policy Institute was contracted by UNICEF to revise the Needs Index and upgrade it to reflect current reality. Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia, the Social Service Agency, and UNICEF are in the process of refining the social service protection system in Georgia to make it more child-sensitive.

Feasibility Study on Agricultural Insurance in Georgia
03 November 2014

Feasibility study identifies schemes appropriate for a support by the German Financial Cooperation for investments in agro-insurance in Georgia. If implemented, the supported agro-insurance scheme(s) shall contribute to reduce the vulnerability of farmers, SME, and intermediaries engaged in agricultural activities in connection with economic damages as a consequence of bad weather events.

Training for the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia
31 October 2014

The training Value Chain Analysis was delivered by Agricultural Policy Research Centre (APRC) at ISET Policy Institute. The project was funded by FAO Georgia. It took place in September-October 2014.

The Economic Potential of Georgian Wine
07 October 2014

Winemaking is one of the oldest Georgian traditions that have survived to this day. Archaeologists have proved that the history of Georgian wine production reaches back into the past at least 8000 years. Arguably, this makes Georgia the earliest place on earth where wine was produced. And the tradition is alive – today there are not just big wine firms, but it is common among ordinary Georgians to grow grapes and produce their own, homemade wine.

Pride and Prejudice in Georgian Food Consumption
03 October 2014

Hospitality is one of the most prized aspects of Georgian culture. Welcoming (literal translation: "respecting") guests is a matter of great pride for any family. My mother grew up in a small Imeretian village, and as she tells me, the kids of the family were not allowed to eat until the guests were fully "respected", i.e. properly fed. Even the poorest household in the village would go out of its way (and income) to impress its guests with a cornucopia of local delicacies, meats, veggies, and homemade wine.
