Gender impact assessments on Law of Public Registry
15 February 2022

Gender Impact Assessments (GIAs) for selected government programs and policies, specifically focuses on a draft legislative amendment to Georgia's Public Registry law and a package of legislative amendments regarding the status of single parents. In collaboration with ISET Policy Institute, UN Women is providing technical assistance to the National Agency of Public Registry and the Gender Equality Council of the Parliament of Georgia.

Energy Imports, Domestic Production, and Energy Security: Dynamics, Challenges, and the Importance of Developing Renewable Energy Sources in Georgia
22 November 2021

The International Energy Agency provides a definition of energy security across two dimensions. In a broad sense, energy security is defined as the “uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price,” while short-term energy security denotes that an energy system has the capability to promptly balance any disruption in the supply-demand equilibrium.

Desertification in Kakheti – a Threat to Kakhetian Agriculture?
15 October 2021

Kakheti is one Georgian region that is economically dependent on agriculture. According to data from the Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy 2021-2027, 40.1% of Georgia’s agricultural lands are within Kakheti, where its largest areas are arable lands, pastures, and vineyards, making it the leading region in the production of cereals, livestock, and wine. In 2020, wine production in Kakheti alone accounted for 75.5% of all the wine produced throughout the country.

August 2021 | Electricity Market Review
01 October 2021

In August 2021, Georgian power plants generated 1202 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 27% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in August 2020, the total generation was 949 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from the increase of 20% and 94% in hydropower and thermal power generation, respectively.

Review of the Condition of the Environment and Stocks of Natural Resources In Georgia
28 September 2021

Natural resources, such as land, water, air, minerals, forests, and fisheries, all provide fundamental life support, in the form of both public-good and consumptive services, which also greatly affect the quality of human life. As such, a proper Natural Resource Management (NRM) allows for the sustainable utilization of resources and moreover ensures that the services provided continue to be accessible over time.
